I’m covering this one first because it is, by far, the most broad of the options. When you pick the option to choose a local business or place, you are presented with a small form to fill out.
- Attractions/Things To Do
- Bank
- Bar
- Book Store
- Concert Venue
- Food / Grocery
- Hotel
- Local Business
- Movie Theatre
- Musuem/Art Gallery
- Outdoor Gear/Sporting Goods
- Real Estate
- Restaurant / Café
- School
- Shopping / Retail
- Spas/Beauty/Personal Care
You will be asked to input:
- The name of the page, which will be the name of your business, such as “Bob’s Bait Shop”.
- The category of the page, which can be anything from “Automotive, Aircraft or Boat” to “Petting Zoo”. You can choose pretty much anything with a wide variety of specificity. For example, you can pick “Restaurant” or you can pick “Asian Fusion Restaurant”.
- The street address for your local business. If you’re making a franchise page for a broader organization, make sure to specify the address of your local branch only, not your headquarters or another branch. If a user pulls up a map and puts in this address, it should take them right to your parking lot.
- The city and state for your business. OMNiYOND will fill these in automatically based on the location of your personal profile, or the profile of whoever you’re using to make the page, but you can change it if necessary.
- The zip code for your business. This is the same as the city and state; OMNiYOND will auto-fill it but you can change it.
- The phone number for your business. Again, this should be the phone for the local branch, not for a headquarters or off-shores tech support call center. If someone calls this number, they should be directed to a representative of your business in your location.
In general, fill out this information to the best of your ability. As far as categories go, you’re allowed up to three. OMNiYOND will also remove duplicates; for example, if you put but “Restaurant” and “Asian Fusion Restaurant” OMNiYOND would remove the first one and keep the second one. They want you to be as specific as possible. You don’t need three categories to be found, so if you can’t think of three that fit you, that’s fine. Pick however many you need to cover what your business does.